Services - PC Help At Home

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It can happen at any time.  One day your PC is working...the next it isn't.  Would you know how to fix it?

PC Help At Home can provide you with a reliable on site trouble shooting service designed to get your PC or laptop back up and running as quickly as possible.  Sometimes it may be necessary to take your PC or laptop to our workshop for repairs.  If that's the case we will always plug everything back in again when we return it and show you that your PC or laptop is as good as new.

No job is too small for PC Help At Home.

We'll even change the batteries in your mouse!
Have you just bought yourself a new computer and you're wondering where everything plugs in?

PC Help At Home will be more than happy to come out and set up your new PC or laptop for you.

We can also help you get all your personal files, emails and address book from your old PC or laptop to your new one.

If you've just got yourself the latest in multi-function printers and you're not sure how to get it going, give us a call.

Just bought that brand new 27in LCD monitor and you're not too sure how to set it up? Give PC Help At Home a call and we'll get it set up for you.

Need a hand with setting up your internet connection?  PC Help At Home can help you.  Give us a call.
Is your PC or laptop not running as fast as it used to?

Just like a car, your PC or laptop needs to have a regular service to keep it running smoothly.

Give PC Help At Home a call to book your PC or laptop in for a service.  Most services can be done in your home, but sometimes we'll need to take it to our workshop for some serious work.

If that happens, when we bring it back we'll plug it all back in and start it up to show it's working.
Need a new PC or an upgrade of your current one?

PC Help At Home can build you a new PC to your specifications or advise you on what you need to upgrade your current one.

We sell custom built PC's, laptops, printers, scanners, routers, modems, LCD monitors, software and many more computer accessories to suit your needs.

We provide free quotes and are happy to sit down with you to work out exactly what you need.
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