Geek Speak - PC Help At Home

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Geek Speak
Have you noticed the amount of jargon and acronyms used in the IT world?

Here's a list of some of them with a brief explanation.
ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line and is a technology for high speed internet access.  It uses existing telephone lines to send and receive data far quicker than dial-up modems, while still letting you talk on the telephone at the same time.

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.  It is the brains of a computer and is attached to the motherboard by a special clip.  The CPU is responsible for telling the rest of the computer what to do and when to do it.

The motherboard/mainboard is the main circuit board inside a computer.  All the other components of a computer, such as the CPU, RAM, optical drives connect to it.

RAM stands for Random Access Memory.  RAM is the working memory of a computer and is used to temporarily hold data and programs that are actively used while the computer is on.  RAM is emptied when the computer is switched off.

HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive.  The HDD is a device, about the size of a small paperback book, used for storing data.  The computer's operating system, programmes and other files are all stored on a HDD.  It is sometimes referred to as 'the C drive'.

Graphic/Video Card
A graphic card is a piece of hardware installed on the motherboard that is responsible for  creating the image on a computer's monitor.  Graphic cards are also known as video cards.

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus.  USB is a type of connector and is used to connect various devices such as printers, digital cameras, external hard disk drives, to a computer.

HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface.  It is a type of connector usually used in audiovisual devices.  Some highend LCD monitors and highend graphic cards come with HDMI connectors.

NBN stands for National Broadband Network.  It provides fast and reliable internet services across Australia.

DisplayPort is a type of connector designed to connect a video source (ie Graphic Card) to a monitor.  The connection can also carry audio and data.

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